Twizzler's Magic

Twizzler's Magic
Sarah and her first horse

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Husbands and Horses

My husband Greg has not been that keen on getting a horse.  He had envisioned the farm in his mind, and after the allergies hit, horses were not a part of it.  We can both get pretty stubborn when we have our minds made up and its not always a pretty thing.  But I want to thank him for not only helping my daughter have her dream, but also making mine come true too.  I am really lucky to have him and would not trade him for the world.  Now...about that second horse....LOL!

Our Journey Begins- May- October 2010

While my mother was here for her winter stay early 2010, we started researching curly horses.  There were many that were saddle trained, but they ranged from $3000 on up and it was out of our price range,  We kept going back to one that we fell in love with her video..but she was so far away.  I decided to keep checking locally but each one I saw..did not sit well in my stomach.  Either it was not suited for us, or I was too much of a novice for it.  During this time, we kept returning to that video and the horse on the screen we fell in love with.  Emails were exchanged and the price was right, but she wasn't trained and everyone cautioned me against her.  But everything "felt" right.  I figured I would take a road trip to see her, so one day, Sarah, sister in law Rhonda, her dog Carly, and I took a "quick" road trip to Dallas Oregon to meet WK Twizzler and her owner Wendy. Twizzler was a 5 year old sorrel with a wide blaze on her face.  The only time she was handled was for vaccinations, and trimming; but when brought in, she stood calmly while Sarah cleaned her hooves and groomed her,  Something felt "right".  We got home and talked to Daddy about it.  Within 2 days, he told us we could get her if we wanted.  Wendy had offered to keep her for the summer until we could arrange transport and figure out housing.  We were horse owners!!  After that, the miracles kept happening....this was meant to be.
Through Craigslist, we found Allison and Norm of Sunset lake Ranch and they brought her home on the first of August for a fraction of what everyone else was asking.  Jan Bartenhagen offered us her stables and worked with me on groundtraining her.  I learned so much from this wonderful lady.  She is amazing!  The month of September, Sarah Lampert broke Twiz to ride and now Margo and her daughter Lexi are putting miles on her. 
Six months ago, Twiz was a pasture ornament with no training and today, she has had 30 days and is a remarkable horse.  She does not spook, and she had a very level head on her.  Sarah Lampert took me on my first trail ride in 30 years on her after 25 days of training and I was amazed.  I rode her over to Margo's with Lexi accompaning me, and my daughter Sarah trotted her in the round pen bareback. Twiz was a perfect lady all of the time.  So, I believe I have found a great horse, a remarkable trainer and some great friends on our journey. As for tack:  our friend Casey loaned Sarah a saddle; it was his first saddle when he was a kid.  Allison, the girl who brought Twiz home, gave Sarah a saddle pad, breast collar, bridle, halter and reins.  Margo and Lexi had to make sure she was complete, so they gave her blue glittery hoof polish.  Now Margo is going to teach me to ride the correct way.  I am sorry for all of the people I drove crazy during our quest, Karen and the people I work with daily...but we are here and a new chapter is opening for us.
We are so blessed to have all these people in our lives.